LE REZ DE JARDIN ALBI is located at 6, boulevard de Strasbourg in Albi.
The house is on the right bank of the Tarn, just after the new bridge.
Below are some indications to facilitate your arrival:

Coming from the center of Albi:
Pass the main square of Vigan then go down the Lices Pompidou (direction Cordes/Carmaux) .
Then pass the Pond Neuf and take the first right onto the back alley of the Boulevard de Strasbourg. (when you have turned the house is already behind you).
You can:
You come from Rodez:
Exit the N88/D988 roundabout towards Albi Center / Cordes.
Then follow Avenue Albert Thomas for 2Kms until you reach the road coming from Cordes.
At the traffic light, turn left towards the city center.
Pass the second traffic light then a hundred meters after and before crossing the Pont Neuf, turn left on the side street of the Boulevard de Strasbourg.
You can:
- Either go back into the service road (which is a dead end) to park as close as possible to the house.
- Or park directly in the spaces available on the service road.
Parking is free

Be careful, if you arrive on Friday evening, do not park on the side of the odd numbers
(on the other side of the house) because on Saturday the market is held there.